Connecting Upper Body Belly Dance Moves with Neon

Connecting Upper Body Belly Dance Moves with Neon

How to keep your upper body belly dance moves organically woven into the texture of your dance movement, as opposed to having them thrown in as random embellishments? "We learn belly dance through isolations and one of the side effects is, sometimes we keep this totally isolated mode even when we are not beginners any more. When you see a dancer who is a great mover, and especially if she is improvising, not implementing a choreography she created for her students, you often can’t see where one so-called move ends and the other begins, the movement trajectories are natuarally interwoven. So today we’ll try to work on combinations where we’ll connect the upper body trajectories to full body or other upper body trajectories. It’s the same thing that I always repeat to you in our classes - the key feature of advanced bellydance is that you don’t cut your movement trajectories, you weave them into longer continuous strings. " Level: Intermediate-Advanced Music: "Ottoman Lobotomy" by Kara Nomadica; "Karuna" by Stellamara; "Burial Chamber" by Dan Foster; "Al Ain Mulayatain" by Amir Naoum Chehade and Elias Sarkar

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Connecting Upper Body Belly Dance Moves with Neon
