Progressive Technique Drill: Hip Joint Tilts
This follow-along technique flow drills the family of moves that build on tilts at the hip joint, starting with foundation building blocks and then advancing through progressively more complex material. We flow through: weighted side-to-side tilts, in place, traveling with push and pull steps, on flat feet and lifted heels; pelvic tuck and release, used as a release accent in center and to diagonals (both in place and traveling), in “basic back” and samba shimmy foot patterns, and in tilting hip circles (both in place and traveling); double side-to-side, in place, traveling, turning, and as a basis for a ¾ shimmy; soft-knee shimmy; unweighted lifts side and back and step-lifts; unweighted drops and drop variations including “m,” “n,” “traveling n” and double drops, and ¾ shimmy from weight shift-prepare-drop. This class does not include a warmup, so before you begin please prepare on your own.
Level: Advanced Beginner"
Belly Dance Progressive Technique Drill: Hip Tilts
0:25 Belly Dance Progressive Technique Drill: All the Hip Joint Tilts This follow-along technique flow drills the family of moves that build on leg-driven tilts at the hip joint, starting with building blocks, and then advancing through progressively more complex material. We flow through: weight...
Hip Tilts Drill - no voice cues
0:25 Belly Dance Progressive Technique Drill: All the Hip Joint Tilts - movement flow, no voice cues.